Monday, December 30, 2019

Addiction Coffee And Energy Drinks - 914 Words

Addiction comes in many forms, whether to drugs or electronics, but as time progresses, coffee and energy drinks have become one of American’s top addiction. Both drinks are consumed on a daily basis by many to help with their workload and to boost their energy levels. Although, coffee and energy drinks share some similarities, they differ to some extent. Majority of the things we consume is bad in some way, as both coffee and energy drinks affect our health. Coffee, although natural could lead to negative health problems later on in life. Consuming such a beverage could raise the blood pressure of those who already suffer from it, higher and those who do not suffer from such illness. The caffeine found in coffee could cause blood vessels to contract and increase the risk of high blood pressure. Moreover, energy drinks could increase blood pressure in individuals who are already prone to the illness, often times expose their body to other health issues such as stroke and hyper tension. Those who do not consume caffeine on a regular basis are also likely to increase their blood pressure. The caffeine found in this drink if consumed by young children could later, result in abnormal heart rhythms as their body is too young to handle such consumption. The caffeine and sugar content of both provides in takers with a boost of energy. Coffee is consumed by many in order to give them a boost to stay alert throughout the day. This beverage is often used to help individuals, stay upShow MoreRelatedAddiction : Coffee And Energy Drinks990 Words   |  4 PagesAddiction comes in many form, whether to drugs or electronics, but as time progresses, coffee and energy drinks have become one of American’s top addictions. Both drinks are consumed on a daily basis by many to help with their workload and to boost their energy levels. Although, coffee and energy drinks share some health issues, alteration of moods, and provision of energy, they differ in the amount of s ugar and caffeine they contain. Coffee is a brewed drink made from roasted coffee beans. ThisRead MoreThe Substance Of The Coffee Plant Essay1528 Words   |  7 PagesThe substance that I chose to research was coffee; the amazingly tasteful, warm, and energizing drink that we all know and love. Coffee has some great benefits, but the issue is, people tend to talk about how great this beverage is, when really it is no greater than an illegal drug. It is a drink that is used for general conversation, what people drink to start the day, or a way to catch up with a long lost friend at a local Starbucks. Throughout this paper, I am going to summarize my research andRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Caffeine1353 Words   |  6 Pagescause death if used way that not meant for your body. About 85 percent of the U.S. population that’s an adult drinks about three cups of coffee a day and that’s not even counting soda or energy drinks. Caffeine has been around for more than a thousand years and we still donâ⠂¬â„¢t understand everything about what it does for us. There are people who will argue if caffeine is an actual addiction or if it’s even healthy till this day. With all the information gather over the last one thousand years thereRead MoreCoffee And An Injection Full Of Coffee Beans1519 Words   |  7 PagesSlide #1: Cup of coffee w/an injection full of coffee beans Health Canada states that 60 percent of Canadian adults take in caffeine through coffee, while 30 percent get their fix with tea. The remaining 10 percent of Canadians consumption of caffeine comes from pop, energy drinks, chocolate and medications [Best Health Mag]. Coffee drinkers can suffer from the draining side effects of a drug they didn’t realize they were taking daily; Caffeine.This is a big issue in today’s society and affectingRead MoreMy Addiction Assignment On Coffee Essay1252 Words   |  6 PagesHamda Awawdeh Psychology 2000 My Addiction I decided to do my addiction assignment on coffee. I have chosen coffee because I can never go a day without it. I usually drink coffee around three times a day, one cup in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. My sisters always think that I’m going overboard with how much coffee I drink. It helps me wake up and feel more energized, which helps me throughout the day. I feel like my coffee addiction started when I began to go to collegeRead MoreThe Chemistry Of Energy Drinks1135 Words   |  5 PagesEnergy drinks are soda-like beverages that are chemically designed to boost your energy, performance, and increase stamina. Most of these drinks contain caffeine, sugar and many other ingredients including taurine, guarana, and ginseng. These products are generally marketed toward teanagers, students, athletes, and active people in general. As the popularity of these drinks increases so does the amount of reports they are receiving about the dangers of drinking these caffeinated substances. EnergyRead MoreThe Effects Of Caffeinated Beverages On The Body1046 Words   |  5 Pages caffeinated beverages at restaurants, movie theaters, gas stations, and various other places. But the people who absent mindedly sip the drink, and they are unaware of how the caffeinated beverage affects their body. Caffeinated beverages lead to negative effects on the body such as obesity, diabetes, and teeth and bone decay. Although caffeinated drinks may be pleasing to consume, they often leads to obesity and diabetes. Beverages containing caffeine, such as soda, consist of large amountsRead MoreSugar High Energy Drinks Are Everywhere1435 Words   |  6 PagesSugar High Energy drinks are everywhere. You see them in stores, you see them in vending machines, you see them on television, and you see them in the palms of the hands of those you may know. There like, a candy bar to a kid. Almost everyone one is popping them in their mouth! However, energy drinks is a drink that is suppose to give you a boost of energy right after you drink it. It’s known to make you alert. Although, no one is really told by ads all over that represent these â€Å"energy drink† the seriousRead MoreEssay On Caffeine1454 Words   |  6 Pagescould possibly be worsened by the use of caffeine or products with. In young adults drinking 4 or more cups of coffee significantly could risk heart attack and death. Coffee could stain someone’s teeth, it is also acidic so it can break down someones teeth and cause decay; removing the coffee from the daily cycle can greatly stop this.(20+ Harmful Effects of Caffeine) Drinking energy drinks could cause upset stomach and vomiting; It could also lead to a stress hormone release. Two hundred and fortyRead MoreCaffeine Is A Good Source Of Energy1261 Words   |  6 Pages Caffeine is a good source of energy. People drink caffeine such as coffee and energy drinks to help them stay awake and get throughout their day. Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical stimulant called Trimethylxanthine. The chemical formula for caffeine is C8H10N402. There are many different types of caffeine. It is used in many different ways and is in the food and drinks we digest today. One of the most popular sources of caffeine today is tea. The first tea cup was brewed in 2732 B

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Adoption and Parent - 775 Words

Ajia Williams Options Laboratory School Reseach paper April, 2013 Approximately one hundred and twenty thousand adoption cases take place each year. Adoption is the practice where the rights of biological parent(s) to the child are transferred to foster parent(s) permanently. Adoption of a child usually would take place at a tender age of the child’s life, so the child wouldn’t know of ever being adopted. Although this depends on if the child’s foster parents reveals to them the information of them being adopted. Usually a biological parent putting their child in foster care or up for adoption is all in good reason. Some of them could be; the parent(s) at the time of conception and birth weren’t ready financially to take care of†¦show more content†¦Also the child may try to do anything they can in the hopes of finding or getting any type of information on their birth parents. The decision for a child to look for their birth parents mainly falls in the hands of the foster parent, if the child is under age. But if the child is of age and able to make sound decisions the older child should be able to search for their parents. The decision if a child should find their biological parents is a very controversial topic; it’s debated in many different aspects. In some cases it is okay for a child to reach out to their biological parents because their parents only gave them up to better themselves as a parent for the child. The birth parent probably couldn’t cater for the childs welfare due to some reason such as financial instability or mental status. Even thought this is the case the parent may be able to provide essential elements for child growth. Or even the parent may be rich in oarental advice and encouragements for essential individual growth. In aome cass children should meet their biological parent because this can fill a void the child and even prohapes the parent has had for a very long time. The child could feel left out or different from everyone els around them. And meeting a biological parent can be the closure or the fill to the void that the child may need. The reunion of the par ent-child canShow MoreRelatedAdoption For Prospective Or Current Parents1241 Words   |  5 PagesAdoptive Parents Adoptive parents share in the joys of parenthood, which may also include challenges that impact their family dynamic. However, the reasons for adopting a child vary among couples, with a central one being infertility, but can include a desire to care for orphans. Therefore, couples might approach the subject of adoption with a bittersweet mentality, particularly if the natural ability to conceive is the issue. The choices concerning adoption for prospective or current parents are notRead MoreGay Parent Adoption And Same Sex Adoption1851 Words   |  8 Pages Gay parent adoption or same-sex adoption refers to the adoption of children by individuals who prefer romantic partners of the same sex--gays and lesbians. Same-sex adoption is portrayed by the media as being a potentially good thing but with potentially detrimental side effects, most notably for the adopted children. This type of adoption is often made to look as if it might well be done but perhaps should not be for the sake of the children involved. With groups such as the religious right, fundamentalistRead MoreAdoption Of Single Parent Households1150 Words   |  5 Pagestime in a single-parent household before they’re eighteen. In fact, the amount of single-parent families has been steadily increasing in the past few decades. If single-parent households are becoming part of the norm, then why are adoptions by single men and women still facing so much scrutiny? This is a countless amount of people who are trying to adopt as a single parent that are being overlooked by th e adoption agencies in favor of married couples. On top of this, single parents that are tryingRead MoreThe Controversy Over Gay Parent Adoption1109 Words   |  4 PagesGay Parent Adoptions Many states laws deny children in foster care, healthy, loving homes simply because of a potential parent’s sexual orientation (Gray, 2006), The catholic church as well as other organization’s oppose gay adoption based upon religious teachings, while others debate the legality of it (Gray, 2006). In today’s society, many children grow up to be emotionally stable and successful whether they have a heterosexual couple as parents or a same sex couple as parents. Gay parent adoptionsRead MoreThe Persuasive Speech For A Single Parent Adoption885 Words   |  4 PagesGood evening, how are you? Today I am going to talk about single parent adoption. The first question that arises in our mind is, what is meant by single parent? A single parent is someone who bring up a child and look after all its need without a partner. Now we know who a single parent is. It started about six decades ago when people went for war and never came back . During that time, some people did not have childrens. Although, they wanted to have children but due to infertility could not haveRead MoreThe Importance Of A Parent Child Relationship From The Sibling Perspective Biologically And Through The Adoption Process Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesPersonal experience is the guidance of this research topic, because my experience showed the importance of the parent-child relationship from the sibling perspective biologically and through the adoption process. Through this experience the importance of the valence of the adjustment to be positive was seen, because children going through the adoption process are usually unstable and looking for stability. Relational maintenance behaviors such as positivity, openness, assurances, networks, sharedRead MoreAdoption Research Paper1556 Words   |  7 PagesOpen Adoption: A Growing Trend in the U.S. In the last four decades, the concept of the American family has undergone a radical transformation, reflecting society ¡Ã‚ ¯s growing openness. Among all segments of society, there is a greater acceptance of a variety of family structures  ¨C from single parenting to blended families to same sex parenting of children. The introduction of openness into the process of adoption offers new opportunities for children in need of a parent or parents and prospectiveRead MoreOpen Adoption : A Growing Trend1440 Words   |  6 Pages Open Adoption: A Growing Trend in the U.S. In the last four decades, the concept of the American family has undergone a radical transformation, reflecting society s growing openness. Among all segments of society, there is a greater acceptance of a variety of family structures from single parenting to blended families to same sex parenting of children. The introduction of openness into the process of adoption offers new opportunities for children in need of a parent or parents and prospectiveRead MoreEssay about The Advantages of Closed Adoption Over Open Adoption1092 Words   |  5 Pagesadopted into an open adoption (Byrd). An open adoption is a process in which the birth parents and the adoptive parents know each other and are involved in the adopted child’s life. A closed adoption is when there is no contact at all and no identifying information is given between birth and adoptive parents (Byrd). While both are common to today’s society, closed adoptions allow opportunities for the adoptive parents to rais e their kids without the interference of birth parents (Bender). StudiesRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words   |  6 Pages Gay parents! Yes I said it.What kind of impact do gay couples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay† parent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†Ã¢â‚¬â€¹There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S† (Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agencies because

Friday, December 13, 2019

The global environment Free Essays

The protection of the planetary environment has become one of the cardinal aims of the international community in recent decennaries. The major environmental issues such as clime alteration, ozone depletion, deforestation acid rain and loss of biodiversity are planetary in range. [ 1 ] Climate alteration is a planetary long-run job ( up to several centuries ) that involves complex interactions with environmental, economic, political, institutional, societal and technological procedures. We will write a custom essay sample on The global environment or any similar topic only for you Order Now The international community has taken legal stairss to battle clime alteration. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ; the Kyoto Protocol and other clime related instruments are all legal instruments which target clime alteration extenuation. These legal instruments have created a differentiation in footings of duties and duties between the developed and the development states through the rule of common but differentiated duties. [ 2 ] The rule of common but differentiated duty has developed from the application of equity in general international jurisprudence for the particular demands of developing states which must be taken into history in the development, application and reading of regulations of international environmental jurisprudence. [ 3 ] The Framework Convention on Climate Change ( Climate Convention ) ,1 signed at the 1992 United Nations â€Å" Earth Acme † in Rio de Janeiro, is the first international legal instrument to turn to clime alteration and is arguably the most comprehensive international effort to turn to inauspicious alterations to the planetary environment. Principle 7 [ 4 ] States shall collaborate in a spirit of planetary partnership to conserve, protect and reconstruct the wellness and unity of the Earth ‘s ecosystem. In position of the different parts to planetary environmental debasement, States have common but differentiated duties. The developed states acknowledge the duty that they bear in the international chase of sustainable development in position of the force per unit areas their societies place on the planetary environment and of the engineerings and fiscal resources they command. he overruling end of the Convention is the â€Å" stabilisation of nursery gas concentrations in the ambiance at a degree that would forestall unsafe anthropogenetic intervention ith the clime system. â€Å" [ 5 ] The rule of common but differentiated duties, one of the cardinal constructs of sustainable development, has double foundation ; the force per unit areas developed states topographic point on the planetary environment ; and the engineerings and fiscal resources they command. Though the developed states are loath to acknowledge the first foundation, the developing states have a strong purchase to bring on the former to accept differentiated intervention in their favour. [ 7 ] The contemplation of this rule takes two signifiers: one is â€Å" dual criterions † in environmental protection criterions every bit good as their execution in favour of developing states ; and the other is assistance by developed states for sustainable development of developing states. The impression of common but differentiated duty is comprised of two distinguishable yet mutualist constituents: ( 1 ) common duty and ; ( 2 ) differentiated duty. The first represents the shared duties of two or more States when the inquiry of protection of a specific environmental resource is raised. [ 8 ] The 2nd relates to distinguish environmental criterions which are articulated around legion factors such as particular demands and fortunes, future economic development of states, and the historic part of a state or group of states to the creative activity of an environmental job. Article 10 Kyoto protocol [ 9 ] All Parties, taking into account their common but differentiated duties and their specific national and regional development precedences, aims and fortunes, without presenting any new committednesss for Parties non included in Annex I, but reaffirming bing committednesss under Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention, and go oning to progress the execution of these committednesss in order to accomplish sustainable development, taking into history Article 4, paragraphs 3, 5 and 7, of the Convention, shall: Formulate, where relevant and to the extent possible, cost-efficient national and, where appropriate, regional programmes to better the quality of local emanation factors, activity informations and/or theoretical accounts which reflect the socio-economic conditions of each Party for the readying and periodic updating of national stock lists of anthropogenetic emanations by beginnings and remotions by sinks of all nursery gases non controlled by the Montreal Protocol, utilizing comparable methodological analysiss to be agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties, and consistent with the guidelines for the readying of national communications adopted by the Conference of the Parties ; F CDBR is illustration of emerging perceptual experiences of equity. Duncan French ( 2000 ) . Developing States and International Environmental Law: The Importance of Differentiated Responsibilities.International A ; Comparative Law Quarterly,49, pp 35-60 doi:10.1017/S0020589300063958 Mustapher, Ntale, Rethinking the Application of the Principle of ‘Common but Differentiated Responsibilities ‘ in the International Climate Legal Framework ( December 6, 2008 ) . Available at SSRN: hypertext transfer protocol: // Bharat Agarwal, The Principle Of Common But Differentiated Responsibility In Environmental Law Rio Declaration on Environment and Development 1992 United Nations ( UN ) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development: Framework Convention on Climate Change, May 9, 1992, art. 2, 31 I.L.M. at 854. Duncan French ( 2000 ) . Developing States and International Environmental Law: The Importance of Differentiated Responsibilities.International A ; Comparative Law Quarterly,49, pp 35-60 doi:10.1017/S0020589300063958 International Environmental Agreements: Politicss, Law and Economics, Springer Netherlands, Volume 2, Number 2 / June, 2002, pg. 151-170 P. Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law: Models, Standards and Implementation, 1st edn. ( Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996 ) at 217. KYOTO PROTOCOL TO THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE How to cite The global environment, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Movies Are so Popular free essay sample

Like most young guys I like movies very much. Movies in English are an effective tool for learning English. I remember when I went to New Oriental to study English I always worried about my poor listening skill. Then I accepted a teacher’s advice and started to watch some English movies. I can learn some useful words and expressions from them. Gradually I found that English is not so difficult to understand and it became more and more interesting to me. Now I can say movies not only improve my listening skill but also make me more interested in learning English.Movies can satisfy different peoples need. Some married people like romantic movies. From those they can know what true love is. Some young people like action movies. Some older people may like classic movies that can remind the past things. So it is obvious that movie can enrich peoples spiritual life. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Movies Are so Popular or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Movie has been a part of peoples life. Who never saw a movie? I believe of course we all have. Nowadays, movie becomes a â€Å"must have it† entertainment. From children to adult, from country to city, even all over the world love watching movie. What is so good about it so it can be so popular?Well, these are some facts about movie that might answer that question. Movie is a like a description about real life. What people see in movie usually reflects what really happens in their common life. Let’s take a romantic movie as an example. In that movie, the audiences are able to see the visualized of what happens when two peoples fall in love. It feels so real to them as they begin to picture their own life such as what’s presented on the screen. No wonder sometimes audience can cry when the movie shows a sad scene, or laugh when the fun scene appears.This could happen because they feel like what’s on the movie is so real just like in their everyday life. Unlike radio, in movie you can hear and see at the same time. This is another reason why movie can be very attractive. It is easier for audience to understand and enjoy this entertainment as they’re able to hear and visualized the story at the same time. Nowadays, movies even made with high technologies which produce a high quality of picture and sound. Many people watch movie to see something extraordinary that is beyond their imagination.

Monday, November 25, 2019

San Francisco State University Student Union essays

San Francisco State University Student Union essays San Francisco State University Student Union Since the beginning of human history, people have hallowed out of their immediate surroundings an environment increasingly more pleasure, more efficient, and more beneficial to their existence. Interior design was uppermost in the human mind from the earliest years, and it reflecting social, political, and artistic growth. Back in the ancient time, people started to take into account proxemics, it is the nature of the interior space, our relationship to it, and our relationship to the people who share with us. The Student Union of San Francisco States University is considered a contemporary building, and it should provide comfortable lounge areas for rest, relaxation, conversation, or studying, but in reality it is not satisfy students needs for safety, comfort and privacy. The Students Union had been there for many decades, and it would be more convenience, secure and comfort for all the students if we make changes in floor plan and its structure. Because, from my point of view, the building is not safe and comfortable, I would change the exterior and interior of the Student Union into a new building that would accommodate all students needs and make them feel comfortable when they are in it. I would change the exterior of the building because the building itself has all the straight lines that make the building look very masculine and clumsy. I would be more beautiful if I change all the walls to circular walls to make the building looks more spherical and feminine. In addition, the pyramid on the top of the building is very odd, and I would like to remove it from the structure of the building, and replace with a semicircular roof. I would remove all the stairs outside of the building and placing several sculptures around. The wall from the main entrance of the Bookstore, I will change it to a glass tile walls. I would replace all the windows to cl...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing - PowerPoint Presentation Example On VEBS Oel, which specializes in oil products and petrol distribution. It is also highly successful in the refining sector, for example, selling 6.4 million barrels of fuel daily to gas stations. BP also produces polyethylene, polypropylene and acetylene amongst others. BP is also now involved in the solar energy sector. BP, undeniably a giant, is located in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and Africa. (BP 2008). Game theory is responsible for the coordination processes in a given functional structure. Schmidt (2002) explained that these coordination processes usually follow physical flows. Each division (purchasing, production, sales, etc.) is constrained in throughputs by other internal divisions while adapting to local uncertainties (labor, breakdown of equipment, input and output changes with regard to the firm environment, etc.). Routines are used to balance ex ante budgets and define buffer inventories. Chandler pointed to the successive organizational changes which occurred in Du Pont de Nemours from 1907 to 1920, when coordination within a functional firm becomes clearly inefficient and that it was then broken down into parts and that a multidivisional structure emerges. Then much simpler coordination procedures can be implemented under the authority of the division manager while the benefits of the specialization by function are lost (economies of scope). Consider a stylized firm with a functional structure consisting of a purchasing, a manufacturing, and a selling division. It is assumed that manufacturing involves fixed costs, so that it pays to increase the volume of throughput. However, the environment is assumed to be uncertain both in the downstream and upstream markets. This suggests that corresponding decisions should be flexible in order to benefit from favorable market conditions. Altogether these conflicting objectives may endanger the financial

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reaction paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Reaction paper - Assignment Example In essence, his memories were also buried alive within him, as Azucena was in the rubble. The first night, Carlà © â€Å"kept talking in the darkness, to assure her that he was still there and to overcome the menace of uncertainty† (Allende 324). However, the next day, slowly but surely his past comes back haunting him, and â€Å"the torrent of all that had lain hidden in the deepest and most secret layers of memory poured out† (Allende 327). Though he could not talk to the girl about it all, while he lay there consoling the girl, Carlà © was forced to relive and confront his past. Throughout his life as an adult, Carlà © had attempted to bury his painful memories of growing up in an abusive household where his father not only mistreated him and his mother, but also his mentally disabled sister. The humiliation he suffered at his hands, or the pain he received when he saw his mother’s humiliation, had been buried deeply within himself. His life as a journalist fared no better either. Witness to the atrocities of war, and genocide, he could not make peace with life in a world where people were so cruel to each other. With his self-made professional sojourn, whereby he lay in wait with the girl, hoping for her to be rescued or for some help to come, he was forced to face his past. He discovered that all the demons that he had buried, all his painful memories, had not died or diminished with time. In fact, they had been alive within him. In essence, buried alive like the girl, Azucena, was in front of him. Her suffering caused him to remember his own, and he ended up having to confront and battle his painful past. The ordeal changed him completely, as did the death of the girl, causing him to be â€Å"not the same man† (Allende 331). Not only had he to deal with his past, but the death of the innocent young girl, caused by the bureaucratic inefficiencies of the country. However, he had to face these demons he had buried alive within himself, as he had to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Recommendations and Strategic Message Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recommendations and Strategic Message - Essay Example One front desk staff can lead to many problems, which include the hotel’s lack of modern technology facilities to increase service provision. For example, lack of speed hinders the outcome of the check-process thus translating in poor output performances, which further lead to a reduction in profit margins (Mackenzie, 2011). Arguably, it is evident that guests pay for the established amount of money to have these services, and they remain extremely dissatisfied whenever they are unable to acquire those services profusely. According to the amassed observations, Grant Hotel is the main competitor, and it seems to be doing better in speed than Baldwin Hotel (Tripadvisor, 2013). Convincingly, the situation persists because Grant Hotel’s management assigns at least two receptionists at the front desk in each shift. Contextually, the internal and external strategic criterion that seeks to correct such failures in the front desk would be the appropriate resolution to acquiring the profitable outcomes, and increased clientele in the organization. The approach coincides to the hotel’s values and objectives. The Grant Hotel’s front desk is able to serve two guests in every single check-in process, a strategy that acquaints the hotel an advantage to avoid queues while still saving time (Hotel Internet Marketing, 2013). Baldwin Hotel room key system is causing a problem for the slow check-in. The accommodation system further faces inefficiencies that emanate from the key-handling system of the hotel. Mainly, the key-handling system in Baldwin Hotel is not connected to the point of sale (POS) system that enables the staff to be certain of the accommodated rooms. Consequently, the duration that each of the guests accommodates the rooms shall possibly pilfer (Mackenzie, 2011). Therefore, inconveniences would in the process of executing charges that each would be expected to pay to the accounts department. Recommendations and strategic message Baldw in Hotel is unable to preset the keys before the time of accommodating other guest thus; there exist misconceptions and dire interruptions because the staff tends to confuse the billing system. On the other hand, Grant Hotel has keys preset and ready to be issued to the guest when they just check-in, a variable that serves as a competitive advantage since the customers are able to get the keys without feeling any form of distress (Tripadvisor, 2013). The process further leads to increased speed by handing the keys to the guests after their check-ins as opposed to Baldwin Hotel, which holds the guests in waiting after their completion of the check-in process. The highest rate of competition in the San Francisco market from Grant Hotel has further suppressed the hotel management’s efforts to acquire the desired profit turnover and consumer population. Presumably, it would be advantageous to the hotel for the check-in process to be incorporated with POS system, which would ensur e prompt updates of every process in the hotel’s reception. Imposing a hiring process of another employee, Baldwin Hotel would be aiming to accrue benefits since it would be able to save its

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Profound Aspects Of The Islamic Society Religion Essay

The Profound Aspects Of The Islamic Society Religion Essay During the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E new religious philosophies came to the surface in India and rejected the ancient Indian religion that revolved around the ritual sacrifices offered by Brahmin priests in hopes that the gods would reward their loyal human servants. The development of the Indian economy and the evolution of the societies to wealthy classes have raised the questions about the ancient religion for its role in the societies and rejected it as meaning less and less connected to the Indian societies of the time. The early Buddhism started when the Buddha publicly announced his doctrine first time about 528 B.C.E in the Deer Park of Sarnath, near the Buddhist holy city of Banaras (modern Varanasi), in a sermon delivered to friends (Bentley and Ziegler 220). The core of Buddhas doctrine consists of Four Noble Truths that teaches that all life involves suffering; that desire is the cause of suffering; that elimination of the desire brings an end to suffering; and that a disciplined life conducted in accordance with the Noble Eightfold Path brings the elimination of desire (Bentley and Ziegler 220). The Noble Eightfold Path states that the individuals should seek to live balanced moderate lives by rejecting both the devotion to luxury and extreme asceticism (Bentley and Ziegler 221). Buddhism appealed to many people and become popular from social implication of the doctrine as well as the language and other community service reasons. The Buddhism did not favor the Sanskrit and adapted vernacular tongues that reached a much larger popular audience. In addition, the organization of Buddhism movement created many monastic communities that dedicated their life for enlightenment and salvation. Overtime these monasteries become important institutions in the Indian societies and served as community organizations such as banks and social welfare institutions for the Indian country side populations. As these networks of monasteries have evolved overtime, the monasteries have made significant impact on social, cultural and economic aspects of India. In addition, the Buddhism has also received the endorsement from the Mauryan dynasty, where a major empire Ashoka adapted the Buddhism in about 260 B.C.E, according to Ashokas own accounts (Bentley and Ziegler 221). This is con sidered as a major influence of Buddhism as the King Ashoka said that he had decided to pursue his aims henceforth by means of virtue, benevolence, and humanity rather than arms after his realization of war against Kalinga and adaptation of Buddhism (Bentley and Ziegler 221). By the Ashokas decision he has implemented nonviolence and banned animal scarifies in Paraliputra and gave up his beloved hunting expeditions, and eliminated most meat dishes from the tables of his court, a great example of religion influencing the rule of law in an empire and a government. In addition, he as encouraged Buddhists by awarding grants for spreading the Buddhism and developed monasteries, stupas, and holy sites of Buddhism. Furthermore, Ashoka also sent missionaries to other parts of the world such as Bactria and Ceylon and eventually spreading the religion to central Asia, east Asia, and southeast Asia (Bentley and Ziegler 222). Overtime, Buddhism was adapted by various classes of people at various levels and evolved to a more regional faith. A good example of this is the Mahayana Buddhism that flourished with its advanced educational system and advancement towards the future innovations of the society. The best known institution of historic time is Nalanda University of Gupta dynasty in the Ganges River valley near Paraliputra. The University was famous for teaching Buddhism as well as Vedas, Hindu Philosophy, logic, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. In conclusion the Buddhism evolved from the rejection or way out of the strict Ancient Indian Religion and evolved to a more moderate religion and then influenced the Mauryan dynasty and spread across Asia and other parts of the world. The Christianity inception dates back to the tenth century B.C.E when the dissolution of the Jewish kingdom of David and Solomon occurred. While the Jewish people maintained their faith various other groups from Babylonian, Achemenid, Alexandrian, Seleucid, and Roman embraced many different ethnic and religious practices; and the empires created state cults that honored their emperors as gods. As these state cults evolved and imposed rules of their own, they clashed with Jews as they did not see the state cults as honorable and refused to participate in the state requirements and created tensions between imperial authorities and Jews and ignited wars between Jews and Roman forces. Ultimately Roman forces decisively defeated the rebels during the Jewish War of 66 to 70 C.E; and then Jews founded new sects that looked for saviors to deliver them from subjection; The Essenes formed one such sect; and one sect formed in 1947 by the discovery of Essene writings. According to the sources, though the early Christians probably had little contact with the Essenes they shared the similar concerns, and Christians formed their community around Jesus of Nazareth, Jewish teacher and a recognized savior. Jesus presented himself as peaceful man, who taught many about devotion to god and love for fellow human beings. He became popular and attracted large population for his wisdom and miraculous powers; especially the ability to heal the sick (Bentley and Ziegler 280). Jesus spread the spirituality and faithfulness towards the God to others and believed that the the kingdom of God is at hand. meant the spiritual realm in which God would gather those faithful to him (Bentley and Ziegler 280). The Roman administrators took this belief as a threat to the Roman Empire and executed Jesus by fixing him to a cross during the early 30s C.E; however, this did not put an end to the movement and continued the spread of the Jesus for his proclaimed presence after th e crucifixion. Although, the Christianity has originated as a sect of Judaism, with its popularity and adaptation by the urban populations, it became the most dynamic and influential religion in the Roman Empire by the third century C.E. The growth of Christianity occurred among mass populations in urban lower classes, and women who did not have the freedom to enjoy the freedom of spirituality in the Roman Empire. In addition, Christianity provided the platform of faith to women as well as men to succeed in life as long as they keep faith in god. In conclusion, the Christianity developed as a spiritual faithful religion promoting equality and hope for better life of all classes and genders of people, which was not evident by the various religions around the Roman Empire. About the 610 C.E, Prophet Muhammad underwent a profound spiritual experience and seeded the path for the religion Islam. According to the sources his convictions include that there is only one deity, Allah(God), that ruled the universe, that idolatry and the recognition of other gods amounted to wickedness; and that Allah would soon bring his judgment on the world (Bentley and Ziegler 348). As he shared his convictions with others, by about 620 C.E. enthusiastic and expanding minority of Meccas citizenry joined his circle and started the promotion of the Islam. During the first century of the Islams existence, Islam reached beyond Arabian homeland expanding to Persia, parts of Byzantine Empire; and by eighth century it has started influencing the political and economic sectors of the post classical societies. According to the sources, the early Islamic religious beliefs reflected the influence of Jewish and Christian faith, and the Muslim society reflected the nomadic and mercantile Arabian society from which Islam arose (Bentley and Ziegler 346). It is common observation in the Islamic society that the evolution of the religion includes the adaptation of various religious practices overtime. For example, after Muslims conquered Persia, they have adapted the Persian techniques of government and financial administration, Persian literature, science, and religious values. Similarly, during the later centuries Muslims adapted the traditions from Greek and India as they travelled or conquered these areas. It is observed that the Islamic society is rather formed by the inclusion of various practices from these other societies then being created as new by blending the elements from Arab, Persian, Greek, and Indian societies. One of the profound aspects of the Islamic society is the establishment Islam in Arabia, occurred when Muhammads followers attacked in 630 C.E. and conquered the city. They force the elites to adapt Muhammads faith and imposed government dedicated to Allah. This attached included the destruction of pagan shrines and were replaced by the mosques for Muslims praying holy places; by the prophets death in 632 C.E., most of the Arabia under the control of Muslims. During the Muhammads period, his faith and his personal leadership influenced significantly for the development of Islamic community. Muhammad founded the community based on the Five Pillars of Islam: (1) Muslims must acknowledge Allah as the only god and Muhammad as his prophet. (2) They must pray to Allah daily while facing Mecca. (3) They must observe a fast during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan. (4) They must contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor. (5) And, in honor of Muhammads visits to Mecca in 629, and 632, those who are physically and financially able must undertake the hajj and make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca (Bentley and Ziegler 351). Though, the Islamic community expanded the doctrine features with specific legal, social, and sects, the five pillars remained as basis and powerful. In addition, during the centuries after Muhammad the Islamic holy law, known as sharia, also added to the Islamic society governance model and was used as part of the Islamic empire. After Muhammads death in 632 C.E. his followers expanded the Islamic military power and expanded the Islamic empir e beyond Arabia and brought additional transformation to the Islamic society. As the evolution and spread of the Islamic society continued, it has thoroughly transformed the cultural traditions that it absorbed, and provided political and administrative framework for large part of the eastern hemisphere, from Africa to the islands of southeast Asia; this included the framework for trade operations for this part of the world. Eventually this is referred as dar al-Islam (house of Islam). In conclusion, the Islamic religion has founded as a powerful religion about during the 600 C.E and rapidly expanded the religious community and the Islamic empire that ruled significant part of the world and transformed some parts of the world permanently with Islamic traditions and practices. In conclusion, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam have evolved during the classical era and created permanent footprint in the world for their religious practices, beliefs, and faith towards god. In addition, these religions have provided framework and basis for the political and government systems and influenced, also dismantled other religions, in some cases, as part of the establishment process.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

city of god :: essays research papers

Introduction In my essay I will discuss the differences between national cinema and Hollywood cinema by using Rio de Janeiro ¡Ã‚ ¯s famous film City of God. There will be three parts in my following main body, the first part is a simple review of the film City of God, I will try to use the review to show the film structure and some different new points from this, show the how did the  ¡Ã‚ ®Shocking, frightening, thrilling and funny ¡Ã‚ ¯ (Nev Pierce) work in the film. The second part is my discussion parts; I will refer some typical Hollywood big name films such as Gangs in New York, Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, and Good Fellas to discuss the main differences between City of God and other national films. The third part is my summary, I will use my knowledge to analyse why there have big different between both kind of films and their advantages. Part One By simply review, I will say, "City of God" ("Cidade de Deus") is the story of a boy who lives in a "favela" what is the word of slum in english on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. The "favela" is like a shantytown witch called "Cidade de Deus" in the film. And from the beginning to the end, throughout this stylish movie both the boy and the favela grow. In the film, we can see the story telling styles are quite like the some Hollywood films such as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption. As Morgan Freeman been a narrator Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in the film Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, The same roll in City of God is boy, Rocket (Buscap ¨Ã‚ ¦ in Portuguese, played by Alexandre Rodrigues), who is born in Cidade de Deus and grows up in Cidade. He is quiet and easygoing, just a non-violent person seeking a way to survive in a brutal environment. The director makes Rocket a narrator in this movie; I think the reason is find an intermediary between gangs and the press, inside of the evil world and the outside. So we can see, his voice that accompanies us throughout many of the stories that "City of God" has to offer by Rocket ¡Ã‚ ¯s photography dream became true. Still the same as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, the main character also belongs to Andy Dufresne (by Tim Robbins). So in the City of God, The other main characters in City of God are the gangs, like Li'l Z ¨Ã‚ ¦ (by Leandro Frimino) who was one of the boys that used to play soccer with Rocket, grow up to become a murderer and a drug lord, someone that makes his own laws. city of god :: essays research papers Introduction In my essay I will discuss the differences between national cinema and Hollywood cinema by using Rio de Janeiro ¡Ã‚ ¯s famous film City of God. There will be three parts in my following main body, the first part is a simple review of the film City of God, I will try to use the review to show the film structure and some different new points from this, show the how did the  ¡Ã‚ ®Shocking, frightening, thrilling and funny ¡Ã‚ ¯ (Nev Pierce) work in the film. The second part is my discussion parts; I will refer some typical Hollywood big name films such as Gangs in New York, Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, and Good Fellas to discuss the main differences between City of God and other national films. The third part is my summary, I will use my knowledge to analyse why there have big different between both kind of films and their advantages. Part One By simply review, I will say, "City of God" ("Cidade de Deus") is the story of a boy who lives in a "favela" what is the word of slum in english on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. The "favela" is like a shantytown witch called "Cidade de Deus" in the film. And from the beginning to the end, throughout this stylish movie both the boy and the favela grow. In the film, we can see the story telling styles are quite like the some Hollywood films such as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption. As Morgan Freeman been a narrator Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in the film Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, The same roll in City of God is boy, Rocket (Buscap ¨Ã‚ ¦ in Portuguese, played by Alexandre Rodrigues), who is born in Cidade de Deus and grows up in Cidade. He is quiet and easygoing, just a non-violent person seeking a way to survive in a brutal environment. The director makes Rocket a narrator in this movie; I think the reason is find an intermediary between gangs and the press, inside of the evil world and the outside. So we can see, his voice that accompanies us throughout many of the stories that "City of God" has to offer by Rocket ¡Ã‚ ¯s photography dream became true. Still the same as Shawshank ¡Ã‚ ¯s Redemption, the main character also belongs to Andy Dufresne (by Tim Robbins). So in the City of God, The other main characters in City of God are the gangs, like Li'l Z ¨Ã‚ ¦ (by Leandro Frimino) who was one of the boys that used to play soccer with Rocket, grow up to become a murderer and a drug lord, someone that makes his own laws.