Friday, February 28, 2020

Research paper on Ethnomusicology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

On Ethnomusicology - Research Paper Example The CD is one that fuses the Turkish pop scene into a sense of both cultural traditions and modern techniques to create a contemporary style to the rich culture of history. The instrumentation which is used to complete this style includes mandolin, large percussion sections, violins, guitar and a pop beat for the background sound (Putomayo Presents 2011). Musical Style The musical style of both CDs follows the traditional format of the origins of the groups while carrying influences by the rock and Western style of music. The style is then combined with specific sounds that are able to show the content attributed to each area. The attempt made by both artist groups working toward a fusion sound. For instance, in the song, La Difference, there is a fusion of the African and Western instruments. Electrical guitar is used throughout the piece, as well as a background of piano. There is also a pop-rock beat that is used as a secondary part of the rhythm to create stronger movement. The s ong also uses the phrase â€Å"Love is Serabande† in the chorus. This combines the culture of English, French and African cultures, all which are known in the region that Keita has recorded. All of the CD songs follow this same influence, similar to the group of The Middle East. The musical style of Turkish Groove shows the same contemporary influences. The violin serenades and background, mandolin which is used and the strong percussion line are all a part of the Turkish traditional music. This is the strongest part of the songs that are played. This is combined with the Turkish singing that is attributed to singing in the Turkish language. However, there is a back beat that is... The approaches that are now being taken with music combine the concept of fusion with a cultural context. The individual experiences, political and cultural approaches all make a difference in how artists are expressing their music. However, this is combined with a fusion of sounds that are influencing the globe and changing the approach many have to music. More important, there is the ability to have universal themes that artists are interested in, all which are displayed with the individual and political tensions that the artists are aware of and which creates the main similarities used in the music. When looking at the artists of Keita and Putomayo Presents, it can be seen that cultural influences drive forward the music. However, the themes of ending war, re-looking boundaries and of finding peace remain the same for both groups.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Review - Essay Example ics to determine the positive and negative correlations between and among the prevalence and incidence of pulmonary diseases among employees and the heterogeneous contributory factors such as the duration exposure to unleaded gasoline, employee position and work practices at Nalco in Manila. This researcher suggests unleaded gasoline use for the benefit of all employees in particular and people in general in the Philippines. This research focuses on many related aspects such as short-term and long-term social costs and benefits. While social costs of not using unleaded gasoline and its impact on health of the people in the Philippines would be investigated with reference to Nalco, benefits would be investigated with general reference to a larger population sample in the Philippines. The study in full would investigate health, social, economic and the environmental impact. Environmental organizations and critics in the Philippines have time and again pointed out that the Filipinos’ state of health, especially in Manila, has been deteriorating over the years primarily due to air pollution caused by the ever increasing use of leaded gasoline (Brandon et al 2007; Sastry 2002). These critics have particularly sought to focus attention on the causal factor of using leaded gasoline as a direct impacting agent on the general health factor of the nation (Louella et al. 2006). This state of affairs particularly warrants a comprehensive HIA in Manila. A series of health impact assessments will be made in this HIA to analyze the existing literature on the extent and the incidence of negative health effects on the Filipinos. One of the health impacts would be focused on the verifiable statistical measures such as the mean, the mode and the median population samples that have been affected within a particular locality (AHA 2010). Manilans become the central point of focus while most of the theoretical and conceptual references would be focused on the Nalco employees. Next,