Thursday, September 3, 2020

Testing Issues in Java Technology

Testing Issues in Java Technology Presentation: Programming testing is the technique for analyzing programming, to affirm that it fulfill its necessities and to recognize blunders. Programming testing is a trial assessment which is led to manage the cost of partners with data about the nature of the item or administration under test, as for the setting where it is expected to work. Testing can never altogether build up the precision of program. As another option, it gives an investigation or a relationship that contrasts and the state or conduct of the item against a detail. Over its endurance, program has supported to develop in convolution and measurement. Testing in the realm of Java innovation proposes numerous unmistakable and different difficulties. Todays Java engineers are confronted with different stages, yet in addition the adaptability issues like restricted memory, nonstandard information, arrange traffic contemplations which are experienced with an expanding exhibit of Java innovation based computational devicesâ€f rom Java Rings, to phones, to set-top boxes. In light of managing a wide range of stages, and various sorts of gadgets the tests are written in the Java programming language. A programmed programming testing is a product work which is utilized to verify that a specific unit of source codes is running true to form. Programming testing can be composed as: Unit Tests; Coordination Tests; or Acknowledgment Tests. The report likewise gives a review of the job of these advances in Java testing. ( Coordination Testing: Coordination tests is utilized to test incorporation of a few classes as against to testing classes in disengagement. Mostly in J2EE situations like Web or EJB holder gives a progressively significant usefulness, consequently incorporation testing must be led in a compartment. This would test connection across various application levels like access to database, EJBs and furthermore different assets. Joining test is every so often done by Programmers yet not as habitually as unit test. Acknowledgment Tests: Acknowledgment Test is clarified as the gathering of tests which ensure the agreement between the application API and end client. These tests are accomplished for the finished and conveyed application. It is utilized to check each utilization case in which the application is bolstered. It gives less test inclusion and it is primary in testing combination of utilization levels, for example, compartments and web servers. These tests are finished by Quality Assurance analyzers and not by designers as test works on outer Application Programming Interfaces. Unit Tests Checking of the Developed Project, Programmers compose unit tests to confirm their own code. Unit testing change from incorporation testing, which functions admirably together, and acknowledgment testing, works as per the clients prerequisites. Unit testing is the trying component which is utilized to test a solitary unit of code. On account of Java, a unit testing that as often as possible associates with a particular class. A unit test is completely programmed, non intuitive, and double ie, it besides succeeds or be fruitless. By executing the code and checking the yield isn't a trying. Neither as opposed to composing a little â€Å"test driver† that neither drives the code nor permits checking logs to check whether its working accurately. Unit testing is the code which is composed, as something to be thankful for since it prompts more excellent code, higher efficiency, and lower support with great advancement costs. The accompanying report will investigate different Unit Te sting innovations like JUnit, TestNG and JTiger. ( JUnit: JUnit is a unit testing technique which is basic and open source outline work for relapse testing discharged by IBM under basic permit variant 5.0 and to compose and run repeatable tests on the Java programming language it was facilitated on the source forge.Junit is an occurrence of Xunit engineering which was utilized for unit testing structure , XUnit was created by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. Information and Experience picked up with JUnit is very utilize full in creating test driven application improvement, and because of this information on JUnit is being used in test driven turn of events. JUnit is additionally ported to other programming dialects like PHP, C#,python, Fortran, Perl,and C++. It is utilized as PHPUnit in PHP, Nunit in C#, PyUnit in Python , fUnit in Fortran , Test::Class and Test::Unitin Perl and CPPUnit in C++ . This unit testing systems family is by and large reffered as XUnit. Presently as of late because of the advancement of new customer structures like AJAX , Junit has additionally been produced for use in java content as JSUnit.Junit improves the nature of code and speeds up programming. ( Junit Features include: Programming interface for Easily making Java experiments Declarations for testing expected outcomes check expected versus genuine outcome Test installations to share test information generally Test sprinters to run tests For gatherings and mailing records. Collecting tests (suites) Junit Mechanics: Characterize a subclass of TestCase. Abrogate the setUp() tearDown()methods. Characterize at least one open testXXX()methods Exercise the object(s) under test. Declares the normal outcomes. Characterize a static suite() industrial facility strategy Make a TestSuite containing all the tests. Alternatively characterize primary() to run the TestCase in group mode. JUnit Extensions: JUnitReport - Apache Ant expansion task - Uses XML and XSLT to create HTML Desert flora - Simple unit testing structure for server side Java coding JWebUnit - Framework for making acknowledgment testing for online applications XMLUnit Gives a XMLTestCase class which empowers statements to be made about the Substance and structure of XML MockObject twofold operator used to test the conduct of different items Sham item which imitates the outer conduct of a genuine execution sees how different articles collaborate with its strategies and contrasts real conduct and preset desires StrutsTestCase testing code dependent on the Struts system ( TestNG: TestNG is a comment driven Java unit testing system propelled by JUnit and NUnit which means to defeat numerous impediments of JUnit. TestNG isnt just extremely incredible, imaginative, extensible, and adaptable; it additionally represents an intriguing use of Java Annotations, an extraordinary new element in JDK 5.0. TestNG is structured in such away that it covers all classes in testing like:â unit, utilitarian, start to finish, mix, etc( TestNG Features include: Explanations; no compulsory naming examples for test techniques or broadening classes Likewise Supports Java doc explanations for Java 1.4 Incredible test-installation set-up and tear-down choices JDK 5 Annotations JDK 1.4 likewise underpins JavaDoc comments. Test setup is adaptable. Information driven testing bolster utilizing @Data Provider. Boundaries support. Dispersion of tests in slave frameworks is permitted. Execution model is a lot of Powerful no need of Test Suite. It is bolstered many modules and assortment of apparatuses like Eclipse, Maven, IDEA, and so on. By Embedding with Bean Shell improves adaptability. JDK capacities are accessible as a matter of course for logging and runtime. Techniques for testing of utilization server. TestNG Mechanics: Compose the business rationale of the test and supplement TestNG explanations in the code. Includes informations about the test in testng.xml record or in a build.xml (eg. class name and so forth). Execute TestNG. JTiger: JTiger is a system for unit testing and has apparatuses for Java 2 Platform. It gives valuable deliberation for composing unit experiments and apparatuses. Functionalities gave by JTiger is generally wanted in unit testing of programming projects. For the most part Test-Driven Development is energized by JTiger improvement, however it isn't compulsory, and any unit testing method in programming advancement is adequate. Numerous highlights of Java Programming Language 1.5 is intensely utilized by JTiger like Generics, variable contention records, comments, and so forth,. JTiger additionally urges clients to do documentation of unit experiments and apparatuses to give a hearty and simple keep up relapse tackle and unit test. Distributed and reported API is given by JTiger outline work if there is a requirement for broadening the usefulness. The capacity to run the experiments composed by utilizing JUint structure is a genuine case of expanding JTiger system. As a piece of JTiger struct ure JUnit module usage classes are incorporated. ( JTiger Features include: JTiger bends over backward to guarantee a strong unit test saddle by giving a rich arrangement of devices, and a solid, usable system on which to create unit experiments. JTiger is an execution that depends on upgrades in programming advancement approachs, for example, eXtreme Programming (XP), which have developed since their origin. JTiger has been executed utilizing similar strategies that it energizes, explicitly, Test Driven Development. JTiger incorporates its own unit test and relapse tackle with 100% strategy inclusion. This guides in new or adjusted prerequisites for JTiger that emerge in the unanticipated future. The JTiger source code base has been intended to guarantee without a doubt the most extreme conceivable measure of decoupling of parts and epitome to such an extent that future upgrades won't negatively affect future forms on JTiger. ( JTiger System Requirements: JTiger necessitates that tests are executed utilizing a Java Virtual Machine variant 1.5 or higher. This doesn't imply that the code under test must be composed utilizing Java 1.5 language highlights. The product under test may focus on any JVM form, for example, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4. It is simply the trial that must execute under a JVM variant 1.5. JTiger is equipped for executing experiments that have been composed utilizing the JUnit test structure. JTiger Extensions: JTiger future advancement is being I

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Importance of Path Dependence in Management Essay

Significance of Path Dependence in Management - Essay Example The solid ramifications is that on-screen characters in a specific procedure become secured instruments that are themselves a result of verifiable possibilities. This point of view holds that wonders are unpredictable, and, in this way, an aftereffect of commonly collaborating factors which produce non-straight elements and criticism circles. The multifaceted nature of the talk on hierarchical change and development has just expanded. This is occasioned by two dissimilar perspectives. The main view holds that new and progressively adaptable or liquid hierarchical structures are on request while the subsequent view holds the faith in authoritative inactivity and the chronicled need of dynamic (Garud, Arun, and Peter, 2009:760). These two perspectives have gone up against chiefs who need to adjust between new thoughts and customs of an association or an industry. This is for the most part impacted in ideas, for example, innovative outlook where on-screen characters are increasingly determined by the rationale of control which drives them to viably actualise complex procedures. This has made way reliance fundamental to administrators as they battle to comprehend the essential components basic most hierarchical procedures and past victories while connecting them with the real factors existing apart from everything else to imp rove food of an authoritative execution and viability (Coombs and Hull, 1997:1-26). For a situation investigation of Toyota creation framework (TPS), the point of view of progress as a way reliance wonder advances the significance of this idea in the executives (Driel and Dolfsma, 2009:67). In the first place, TPS made lock-in systems some time before the advancement of a legitimate instrument including relative rivalry. The contenders had the option to duplicate a portion of the TPS models with precision and make significant rivalry. In any case, through use of its noteworthy and dependable creation procedures and showcasing methodologies, they kept up reliability of a customer base that trusted in the items delivered by Toyota (Driel and Dolfsma, 2009:67).

Friday, August 21, 2020

Coal Keeps the Lights on Free Essays

He would go in at dull and leave at dim and frequently abandon eating or taking a break since his Job was so requesting. Despite the fact that mining was hazardous and lively work he adored his Job. In 1966 his compensation was $3. We will compose a custom exposition test on Coal Keeps the Lights on or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now 25 60 minutes, for that day and time he was taking in substantial income. In 1980 when he needed to stop because of medical problems his top compensation was $26. 00 60 minutes. 00nes) fit was hard, however I had a Job to do. Coal keeps the lights on. said Delbert. His Job accompanied numerous obligations. He needed to deal with himself, ensure his laborers were all protected and ensure they took care of business. Cones) When he landed his Position completed he was all set home to his better half and family. Delbert said there was nothing better than the supervisor saying may young men allows shut her to her, its opportunity to return home. That was something they anticipated in the wake of a difficult days work. Upchurch 2 He knew when he was a young man he would have been a coal excavator. His granddad, father and many close family members and companions were all coal diggers. In the event that you lived in Harlan, more than likely you would have been working in the mines. The best thing he enjoyed about his Job was the test of difficult work. He said he cherished whatever came as challenge to him, he adored when he accomplished precisely what he set out to do. Cones) Jones said he misses working in the mines. On the off chance that his wellbeing was better he would be directly back. He additionally said that a large portion of his family worked in the mines, however he wouldn*†° need any of his grandkids experiencing what he did to accommodate his family. He said It was a great job, however he could live without the throbs and agony he feels veryday. Cones) Although life in the mines were hard, it was much harder on his body. The twenty two years he gave the mines gave him back one devastated body. He wound up having dark lung infection from breathing in the entirety of the coal dust which in the long run went in to COPD Cones) He additionally nad to experience six back medical procedures trom all ot the twisting around and creeping he needed to do. He said on the off chance that you work in the mines you will come out with an old worn out up and worn out body. He couldn't imagine anything better than to be living in Harlan, working sunset until day break carrying on with the coal diggers life. It was and will consistently be separated of what his identity is. Two of his children additionally worked in the mines close by of him. They didn*†° put almost the same number of years as he did, however put enough in to both be debilitated with back wounds. Jones said him that he see them leave before they got *lack lungand It assume control over the remainder of their lives. He said he would have cherished it if his body would have let him work sufficiently long to resign from the mines. That was one of the objectives he had set for himself that he didn*†° get the chance to achieve. Jones said he is to some degree appreciative he got out when he did, if not the pressure of the Job may have been excessively hard on The most effective method to refer to Coal Keeps the Lights on, Papers

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Analysis of An Organizational Behavior - Free Essay Example

Organizational Behavior Problem causational assessment is an assessment that is done to determine what caused acertain problem and how it will be resolved. It is an important aspect of management where conflicts have come up. When there are conflicts, the productivity of employees is affected, and this leads to poor performance. It affects any business or institutional negatively; this is because the employeeslose focus of the institutions goals and focus on each other (Kinicki Fugate 2015). This is an analysis done on a case that took place in a given institution. The problem causation assessment will be conducted to attempt and resolve the crisis that faces the institution. In every given institution, employees come together to work to wards a common goal of the institution. In this case, the employees areunable to get along with each other and end up creating a hostile working environment and poor communication (Kinicki Fugate 2015). Cause The cause of their lack to work together and formation of cliques hence they could not have a teamworkspirit. They let their differences come in between their working. They lettheir attitudes and personalities interfere with their work hence affecting howthey dealt with their client. They ended not having job satisfaction. Source The source of the problemwas the employees who had created a gap between themselves, formed cliques, refused to communicate with each other and created a hostile environment forworking. The manager did not pay attention to the working of the employees and their communication which ended up making the situation worse with every passing day. Risk With the unbearablen working condition, there was a risk posed to the client and the employees. The unbearable working condition was likely to lead to the resignation of employees who might feel they can no longer offer quality services. It was also likely tolead to worse conflicts with each other. Then there was a risk of losing clients who felt they were not being served as they deserved. The clients always seekto be served in a friendly manner. Lack of proper communication between the employees was likely to affect the way they communicated with the clients. Dissatisfied clients were likely to seek services elsewhere. This would lead tothe failure of the institution. When themanager fails to note what is taking place in the office, the other employeesare likely to overlook his directive and authority as well. Management Themanager needs to reassert his authority as the one who is in charge of the offices. He needs to make changes as necessary. He must ensure that proper communication channels are maintained within the organization. He also needs toencourage the employees to work as a team to achieve their set goals. He needsto educate the employees on how to deal with challenges that they face. He isto encourage the employees to analyze themselves and identify their weaknesses so that they can handle them effectively and be able to deal with others as well (Kinicki Fugate 2015). Problem causational analysis is important for every organization with conflicts is important to determine what actions should be taken to resolve them. The problems should be identified and dealt with as early as possible to prevent escalation of the problems or conflicts. Works cited Kinicki, Angelo, and Mel Fugate. Organizational behavior: a practical, problem-solving approach. (2015).

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Rules of Using Positive and Negative Integers

Whole numbers, which are figures that do not have fractions or decimals, are also called integers. They can have one of two values: positive or negative. Positive integers  have values greater than zero.Negative integers have values less than zero.  Zero is neither positive nor negative. The rules of how to work with positive and negative numbers are important because youll encounter them in daily life, such as in balancing a bank account, calculating weight, or preparing recipes. Tips for Success Like any subject, succeeding in mathematics takes practice and patience. Some people find numbers easier to work with than others do. Here are a few tips for working with positive and negative integers:Context can help you make sense of unfamiliar concepts.  Try and think of a practical application like keeping score when youre practicing.Using a number line showing both sides of zero is very helpful to help develop the understanding of working with positive and negative numbers/integers.Its easier to keep track of the negative numbers if you enclose them in brackets. Addition Whether youre adding positives or negatives, this is the simplest calculation you can do with integers. In both cases, youre simply calculating the sum of the numbers. For example, if youre adding two positive integers, it looks like this: 5 4 9 If youre calculating the sum of two negative integers, it looks like this: (–7) (–2) -9 To get the sum of a negative and a positive number, use the sign of the larger number and subtract. For example: (–7) 4 –36 (–9) –3(–3) 7 45 (–3) 2 The sign will be that of the larger number. Remember that adding a negative number is the same as subtracting a positive one. Subtraction The rules for subtraction are similar to those for addition. If youve got two positive integers, you subtract the smaller number from the larger one. The result will always be a positive integer: 5  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 3 2 Likewise, if you were to subtract a positive integer from a negative one, the calculation becomes a matter of addition (with the addition of a negative value): (–5)  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 3 –5 (–3) –8 If youre  subtracting negatives from positives, the two negatives cancel out and it becomes addition: 5  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ (–3) 5 3 8 If youre subtracting a negative from another negative integer, use the sign of the larger number and subtract: (–5)  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ (–3) (–5) 3 –2(–3) – (–5) (–3) 5 2 If you get confused, it often helps to write a positive number in an equation first and then the negative number. This can make it easier to see whether a sign change occurs. Multiplication Multiplying integers is fairly simple if you remember the following rule: If both integers are either positive or negative, the total will always be a positive number. For example: 3 x 2 6(–2) x (–8) 16 However, if you are multiplying a positive integer and a negative one, the result will always be a negative number: (–3) x 4 –123 x (–4) –12 If youre multiplying a larger series of positive and negative numbers, you can add up how many are positive and how many are negative. The final sign will be the one in excess.   Division As with multiplication, the rules for dividing integers follow the same positive/negative guide. Dividing two negatives or two positives yields a positive number: 12 / 3 4(–12) / (–3) 4 Dividing one negative integer and one positive integer results in a negative figure: (–12) / 3 –412 / (–3) –4

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Martin Luther King Jr. Violence Essay - 1205 Words

Violence â€Å"The practice of violence, like all action, changes the world, but the most probable change is to a more violent world† (Arendt pg 80). Violence is contagious, like a disease, which will destroy nations and our morals as human beings. Each individual has his or her own definition of violence and when it is acceptable or ethical to use it. Martin Luther King Jr., Walter Benjamin, and Hannah Arendt are among the many that wrote about the different facets of violence, in what cases it is ethical, the role we as individuals play in this violent society and the political aspects behind our violence. Martin Luther King Jr. was a brilliant man who preached non-violence to his followers during the fight of equality in deeply†¦show more content†¦She talks about power of the masses, stating that power is not attainable by the individual but only by masses. Arendt opens her book by directly saying we are the most violent century known to man, always trying to be bigger an d better than another country in this arms race. She talks about the ways in which our society views violence and says humans are naturally violent. Arendt is clearly against war in this book as being unjustifiable and says that war, and violence regarding to politics, is not a means to an end because if we look back in our history we have been fighting war after war with no end. The end will never come; so how then, can one justify the violence of war? In the book, she argues that many of the traits we see in ourselves regarding violence, we see in animals, except animals do not have the ability to reason. Arendt states that, â€Å"violence is neither beastly nor irrational- whether we understand these terms in ordinary language of the humanists or in accordance with scientific theories† (62). The author makes is very clear that when we fail to use our ability to reason and instead introduce violence, we are only repeating our past of being a violent being in which the mean s to our end keeps getting further and further away. Dr. King, Walter Benjamin, and Hannah Arendt all speak of violence in terms of gaining social and political change, Dr. King preaches non violence and loving your enemyShow MoreRelated Martin Luther King Jr. Essay637 Words   |  3 Pages Martin Luther King, Jr. was perhaps one of the most influential person of our time. As the father of modern civil rights movement, Dr.Martin Luther king, Jr., is recognized around the world as a symbol of freedom and peace. Born January 15, 1929, King was the son of an Atlanta pastor. King accomplished many achievements during his life. He graduated from Morehouse as a minister in 1948 and went on to Crozer Theological seminary in Chester, Pa., where he earned a divinity degree. After that KingRead MoreNon Violent Protest Ââ€" Dr. Martin Luther Kings Moral Disobedience!1563 Words   |  7 Pages2005 Non violent protest Ââ€" Dr. Martin Luther Kings moral disobedience! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the issue of non-violence in his letter from Birmingham Jail. He states that any law, which is unjust and inhuman, is not a moral law. Dr. Kings argument for non-violent protest against the authorities is just and moral; because any action taken for the greater good of human beings may be called disobedience by the authorities, but as Erich Fromm states in his essay Disobedience as a PsychologicalRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Research Paper1430 Words   |  6 PagesCommunications Essay DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. SPEECH â€Å"I HAVE A DREAM† Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15 , 1929 and died on April 4, 1968. He was born Michael Luther King Jr. but decided to change his name to Martin. Both Martin Luther’s grandfather and father were pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Martin Luther carried on the tradition and served as pastor from 1960-1968 (Nobel Prize, 1). He was a big part of the civil rights movement for his raceRead MoreArgumentative Synthesis Letter from Birmingham Jail1535 Words   |  7 Pagessegregation to continue due to legal documents in many southern states. Acceptable forms of oppression were separated into four categories: racial segregation; voter suppression, in southern states; denial of economic opportunity; private acts of violence aimed at African Americans. At this time, many civil rights laws were advocated and many African Americans adopted a combined strategy of direct action with nonviolent resistance, known as civil disobedience. There were some positive ac tions throughoutRead More The Rhetoric of Pathos in the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.1141 Words   |  5 PagesThe Rhetoric of Pathos in the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a dream, says Dr. Samuel Proctor, Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Rutgers University. All the little children--you hear everywhere you go: I have a dream. All the little children repeating that speech. Its become like the Star Spangled Banner or the Pledge of Allegiance. Its entered our culture. And so it has: I have a dream has become one of the most memorable phrases of the twentieth centuryRead MoreMartin Luther King Rhetorical Analysis806 Words   |  4 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King’s Speech â€Å"I Have a Dream† Likita M. Taylor ITT-Tech English 1320: Composition I November 12 2012 Rhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King’s Speech â€Å"I Have a Dream† â€Å"I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.† These are the opening words of Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream speech†, which he predicted will be the foundation of the Civil Rights MovementRead MoreWhere Do We Go from Here Anaysis920 Words   |  4 Pagescritical essay â€Å"Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?† written by Marin Luther King Jr., is an inquisitive piece who preaches the idea of a peaceful society, Martin also highlights the major issues happening and changing the world at the time. It analyzes events involving World War II and Vietnam War, and uses an example from Greek Literature to apply the concept known as â€Å"Ulysses and the Siren†; resulting in a realization that peace is the solution to chaos. Idea Based Martin Luther KingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream Speech994 Words   |  4 Pages On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a speech to more than 200,000 people during the March on Washington. Kings speech was one of the most influential during the era of the Civil Rights Movement and is to this day recognized as a masterpiece due to its effect on the audience as well as for its eloquence and language. Many components went into this passionate speech that portrayed Kings hopes for racial equality and a brighter future made the speech as moving as it was. ItRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr., â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†3011 Words   |  13 Pages[Subject] [Date] Martin Luther king Jr., â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† Outline 1. Introduction i) Argument about â€Å"Justice and injustice† ii) Religious appeals in King’s latter iii) Paragraph fourteen of King’s latter 2. Discussion 3. Conclusion Introduction The pressure of racial segregation was reaching a boiling point in 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama. After being arrested for his part in the Birmingham Campaign, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote an open letterRead MoreEssay about Civil Disobedience935 Words   |  4 PagesHenry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. civil disobedience is a well-known political action to Americans; first in the application against slavery and second in the application against segregation. Thoreau’s essay â€Å"Civil Disobedience† and King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† are the leading arguments in defining and encouraging the use of civil disobedience to produce justice from the government despite differences in their separate applications. Thoreau and King saw great injustices that

The Claims Department Handles Complaints of the Policyholders

Question: 1.Explain how the claims department handles complaints of the policyholders ? 2.Interaction of the claim department with other functions in the handling of the policyholders complaints? 3.Recommendations for improving the interactions with other functions in handling policyholders complaints? Answer: Introduction: Customer satisfaction is the most important in any business as the cost of attracting new customers it need more effort, will be 5 times more difficult than keeping the existing one. Policyholders are the nervous system of all the insurance companies all over the world, especially in competitive small market like United Arab Emirates (UAE), the insurers business depending upon the policyholders satisfaction and providing an extra ordinary services that can differentiate them form each other. Therefore, the insurers should consider the customers complaints as a feedback on its services, product, and as an opportunity to improve the business and the customer satisfaction (BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem Associates 2017). By analysing the complaint the insurer can determine the root cause of the issue and take necessary actions that is required to fix it. Once the insurer satisfy the customer requirements by enhancing the quality of the services will absolutely reflect on improving the customer feedback, satisfaction and strengthen customer loyalty. There are many reasons for the complaints, some are related to insurer service, product and some are related to the policyholders knowledge, lack of understanding the policy terms conditions, and implementation of the new regulations. The UAE Insurance Authority has issued a new motor insurance tariff system effective from January 1, 2017, on which premiums are based with high copayment, this creates many complaints due to lack of understanding of the new regulations and the sudden increase in premium which cause a noticeable impact on policyholders with high percentage of complaint (Al Tamimi Company 2017). More care is required by the insurer to satisfy their policyholders which will increase the competitive edge of insurance firms, so will create their brand value and reputation in the market, which is helpful in staying ahead from their competitors. It is essential for the insurance companies to understand the expectations of the policyholders and making sure that the business/marketing plan is concentrating on this point in order to attract the consumers and increase their profit and market share. 1. The classification of the complaint is done to realize the type, nature and the origin of the complaint. This is also useful in segregating a complaint from a request or query of a policyholder. The complaints are classified according to the following criteria: Legal Complaint: In this case the policyholder sends a legal notice to a motor insurance organization Sales Complaint: It refers to the complaints where the policyholder alleges of forgery, fraud and mis-selling (D'Mello, S. 2017). Service Complaints: these are the types of the complaints where the clients complain about any sort of service that is undelivered or the service delivered is faulty. Complaint regarding claim: there are various complaints with regard to claims as the policyholders may not be satisfied with the nature in which the claim was settled, managed or the duration taken to process the claim. Complaints are mainly due to claim denial where the customers ask the reason why the claim was not approved. There are even cases when it is seen that even if the claim is approved the settlement of the claim takes a lot of time. The customers may not be happy with this as this may lead to wastage of time and loss of finance. The most common among the complaint regarding claim is unsatisfactory settlement by the motor insurance firms as the claim that was expected by the customer is not granted by the firm (dubizzle UAE blog 2017). The insurance organizations provide satisfactory reason and highlight certain clause laid down in the contract that reduces the claim amount even though the customer feels unjustified and cheated. Delay: There is customer complaint with regard to the postponement in the delivery or service. The complaints may arise when there is a delay in quotation of the policy, invoice and cards. In case of repair of cars it is the duty of the insurance organizations to provide a service vehicle. Complaints may arise when there is a delay in the delivery of the service vehicle. If the executives of the insurance firms do not respond to the customers calls and emails regarding any concern, they may file a complaint against this issue ( 2017). Financial: There are instances, where it is seen that the customers lodge a complaint regarding financial matters like overcharging of premium, payment delay etc. It is seen that when it comes the financial matters, the insurance companies try to provide the least settlement amount possible. There are instances where there is delay in refunds and over charging with respect to various legal and organizational charges (Emirates 24|7 2017). Product: The policyholders are always not satisfied with the product that are provided to them. They are mostly not satisfied with the suitability of the product as the executives while suggesting the product to the customers do not provide accurate product knowledge and clarification of the coverage. Inaccuracy in document: This is a type of complaint that is least seen in the insurance organization. The customers may be unsatisfied with the defective information with respect to any document that is submitted to the customer. The customers in this case may file a complaint against the fact that they have been misguided that may lead to any loss for the customer (Guardian Global Solutions 2017). It is seen that these are the main causes of complaint that are prevalent in motor insurance and it is seen that there has been in a rise in the frequency of complaint after the new motor regulation act has been introduced by the UAE Insurance Authority in order to safeguard the interests of both the motor insurance companies and the persons who are the policyholders of motor insurance. The following are the steps and details that are necessary in recordingthe complaints of an individual: Customers name and Address: The acceptance of the grievance is undertaken after the name and the address of the customer is taken just to review the authenticity of the policyholder and to contact the policyholder whenever deemed necessary (GulfNews 2017). Date of Receiving the Complaint: The date of receiving the complaint is even noted down just to keep a record for the date of complaint and to find out the duration within which the grievances of the policyholders are handled (Tadesse 2014). Nature of the Complaint: There are various natures of the complaint that comes from the side of the policyholders and therefore, it is essential to note down the nature of complaint with accordance with complaint of the policyholder so that the complaint of each policyholder can identified with ease (BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem Associates 2017). Receiving the Complaint: The process of receiving the complaint is even noted down. It is because there are various ways of receiving the complaint either directly by meeting the department of claims, sending a letter or mail or by telecommunication (Thomas 2015). Receiving and Acknowledge the Complaint: The claim department even needs to record the service with regard to which the policyholder has complained so that proper monitoring and supervision of the department can be undertaken and with respect to the answers obtained from the concerned department, the complaint with respect to the service can be determined and the authenticity of the complaint can be attained ( 2017). There is a designed path through which every complaints pass and proper scrutiny at every stage leads to the rectification of the problem. Frontline Resolution Stage: The first stage is the frontline resolution where the complaint is filed. In this stage the initial evaluation is done and the date on which the complaint was closed is noted down. The competition of the complaint in this stage leads to transfer of the complaint to the next stage that is known as the investigation stage. In this stage, the complaints are scrutinized and each and every aspect of the complaint, with respect to the date, time and authenticity of the complaint and whether the complaint stated really took place (GulfNews 2017). Escalation to the Investigation Stage: The complaint is escalated in this stage and every perspective of the complaint is discussed in detail among the employees working in this section of claim department (Dionn 2013). Action taken at the Investigation Stage: After the complaint has been judged valid, the complaint is closed and the date is noted down to justify the date on which the complaint has been justified and rectifications will be made to satisfy the policyholder with respect to their complaint. All the outcome that have been arrived at each and every step are recorded so that it can be revealed to the policyholder along with keeping a proper record for the later future, which can be looked down upon for reference ( 2017). The underlying cause of the complaint, like any misconduct or harassment with the policyholders with respect to their claim is explained thoroughly so that such mistakes can be avoided in future. Claim handling in Motor Insurance The complaint handling procedure of the claim department involves primarily receiving the complaint from the policyholders and understanding the reason of the complaint. Once the complaint is received, it is acknowledged to the policyholder stating that the complaint will be preceded and an appropriate result will be given to them. The complaint after being acknowledged is critically investigated and the authenticity and the validity of the complaint are evaluated. The analysis of the complaint is undertaken by looking at the various aspects of the complaints and the ideal result that will suit the policyholder is evaluated (Insurance Times 2017). The next step involves escalation of the complaint so that complaint can be handled appropriately with respect to any previous complaints that had similar characteristics so that the complaint can be dealt with ease (Pearson 2015). The last step in this process involves reporting the result obtained and conveying to the policyholder in orde r to satisfy them and close the complaint. 2. In the above question, we have discussed the how the claim department handles the complaints of the policyholders efficiently. The effective handling of the complaints of the policyholders is only possible if they maintain a smooth and understanding relationship with the other departments that are functioning in an insurance company. The various other departments are even liable for smooth tackling of the grievances of the policyholders. It is seen that there are various types of complaints that come from the policyholders to the claim department and it is the responsibility of the claim department to investigate the problem and discover the department who is liable for this action and takes further step to rectify the solution (International Investment 2017). The claim department interacts with the concerned department and tries to find out the main reason behind the problem and discuss with the department to come to a conclusion, which will be effective in handling the complaint su ccessfully. There are various complaints that are received by the claim department and they segregate the complaints according to the concerned departments so that they can be settled with ease (Suri and Adnan 2016). It is the duty of the claim department to properly segregate the complaints as if the complaints with respect to one department are listed down in some other departments portfolio, and then there are chances that the complaint might not be handled properly and that may lead to additional difficulties. The segregation of the complaints by the claim department are discussed below: Claim: If there are any complaints with respect to the management of the claims, time taken to settle the claim and the delay in the processing time, then they are directly related to the claim department. In this scenario, as the problem is within their department, they can find the solution by interacting with the employees engaged in the claim department and find out the root cause and try to mitigate the problem in order to satisfy the customers ( 2017). There are various other complaints like the delay in the settlement of the claim and unsatisfactory settlement, which are even handled by the department by examining all the documents and the records that are available to them with regards to the claim. Service: If there are any grievances with respect to any of the employees of a department or a third party with respect to the quality of service offered, then they are directly transmitted to the service department. The claim department communicates with the service department to find out the root cause for the lack of efficiency of the service and problems with respect to repairs of the motor vehicles (Kassem 2017). The two departments jointly investigate the reason to reach a solution so that they can ideally tackle the problem and rectify the mistake. Delay: The most significant complaints that arise in the claim department are the delay in any of the service or correspondence. It is seen that the policyholders mainly report with respect to the postponement in the Invoice cards, quotations and delay in the delivery of the vehicle. The delay in the quotation and with respect to the policies is discussed with the Underwriters who are mainly responsible for the preparation of the policies and quotations. The claim department closely analyzes the problem and tries to figure out whether the complaint delivered are valid (Middle East Insurance Review 2017). If the authenticity of the complaint is discovered by discussing with the underwriting department, then they are asked to find a remedy to the complaint so that they can be handled with ease and minimize the grievances of the policyholder. Financial: The complaints that arise with respect to the delay in refund and additional charges being levied on the premium are transferred to the finance department and they are asked to go through the record and find out the reason why such actions were taken (Saeidi 2013). If the answers provided by the finance department to the claim department are justified then they are conveyed back to the policyholder and if an unjustified reason is found, then the claim department asks the finance department to undertake necessary steps to mitigate the problem by deducting the extra charges or compensating the policyholder for delay in refund. Product: The complaints with respect to the dissatisfaction with respect to the products that are offered to the policyholders are transferred to the product department where the actual reason for the dissatisfaction is conveyed to them, so that the department by looking at the needs of the customers may provide them with a new set of products that will be suitable for them. If there any complaints with respect to knowledge about the product, the representatives of the insurance company goes down to the customer to give adequate knowledge about any of the products the client is interested in so that all their queries can be written off (RSA UAE 2017). Marketing and Sales: This is one of the significant departments of an Insurance company as this department determines the market share and the revenue that the organization will be able to earn ( 2017). Any complaints with regards to the business development team with respect to inappropriate advice and tactics with respect to high pressure are communicated to the marketing department and the supervisors of this department are asked to investigate so that all the complaints can be discovered and solutions that can satisfy the policyholder are gathered that are communicated to the client. Inaccuracy in Document: There are instances when the policyholders are displeased with the documentation of the information with respect to an insurance product. In this scenario, the back office department who creates these documents are asked to review the documents and find out what are the mistakes seen in documentation and thereby rectifying them and sending them back to the claim department who conveys and resends the appropriate document to the policyholders (Wegner 2015). Other: There are miscellaneous complaints come to the claim department and it is the duty of the policyholder to handle such petty issues by themselves by finding a solution that will satisfy the policyholder and reduce their level of complaints. Therefore, it can be said that an effective communication with all the other departments is influential for rectifying the claims of the policyholders with ease reducing the level of complaints in an insurance organization with respect to motor vehicle insurance. 3. All policyholders, insurers, sales agents and the brokers should have guideline and standard procedure to follow, so they will have more control and better understanding for the policy terms / condition and the regulations that will improve the service and ultimately will reduce the complaints. In order to handle the policyholders complaints properly and efficiently the team should investigate the root cause of the issue and preventive measures should be taken to avoid the same in the future. The complaints report should be monitored by senior managers and the recorded details should be investigated thoroughly, so the insurer will be able to use the outcome to enhance the service, follow -up the process and for training of the staff. Maintaining the Turnaround Time for all services from issuing the quotation till settlement of the claims. The insurers should have proper survey system that can be used by the policyholders to control and reduce the incident and satisfy the customer/policyholders. To keep the customers and enhance their opinion, the insurers should have proper communication channels and procedure in place to escalate to higher management if they are not satisfied with complaint handling procedure or result or with services that provided by the juniors employees. The claims department should have an effective procedure to interact with other functions in case of any dispute or complaints that causes by them. The claim department should have good management and better understanding of the company product and should be expert enough to handle the complaints and the investigation process and capable to give direct advice to the customer while receiving the complaint. The insurers should develop their procedure by educating their staff and provide awareness session to the policyholders on how to submit the claim, understand the policy terms, conditions and the exclusions with proper guideline and assistances. The insurers staff should understand the value of the policyholders and deliver the best in practice while handling the policyholders complaints and always treat customer fairly to meet the regulators requirements and company ethics and strategy. The insurer should evaluate the complaint handling procedure and the team performance regularly to identify the weakness and strengthen or improve the service as per the outcome. Identify the cause of the complaints and if there is delay in delivering the services or the settlement of the claim, serious steps should be taken to fix the issue and avoid repeating it in the future. The regulators must conduct market study with proper customers education and awareness before issuing new regulation to be acknowledged by all categories and ensure feasibility in practical practice. Better to implement gradually. The insurer must communicate to all team members the transparency and clarity of their process with proper guideline and procedure so they can deliver the same to the customers. The insurers should communicate with policyholder efficiently and clarify all policy benefits and the hidden charges if any, also should guide them properly by provide them the list of the documents that required to get the service or submit the claim. The policyholders are responsible to understand their policy covers, the exclusion also should know the required documents for submission and the claims notification requirements. Reference List BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem and Associates. 2017. Legal update: Insurance Authority Resolution. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2017]. 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