Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Analysis of An Organizational Behavior - Free Essay Example

Organizational Behavior Problem causational assessment is an assessment that is done to determine what caused acertain problem and how it will be resolved. It is an important aspect of management where conflicts have come up. When there are conflicts, the productivity of employees is affected, and this leads to poor performance. It affects any business or institutional negatively; this is because the employeeslose focus of the institutions goals and focus on each other (Kinicki Fugate 2015). This is an analysis done on a case that took place in a given institution. The problem causation assessment will be conducted to attempt and resolve the crisis that faces the institution. In every given institution, employees come together to work to wards a common goal of the institution. In this case, the employees areunable to get along with each other and end up creating a hostile working environment and poor communication (Kinicki Fugate 2015). Cause The cause of their lack to work together and formation of cliques hence they could not have a teamworkspirit. They let their differences come in between their working. They lettheir attitudes and personalities interfere with their work hence affecting howthey dealt with their client. They ended not having job satisfaction. Source The source of the problemwas the employees who had created a gap between themselves, formed cliques, refused to communicate with each other and created a hostile environment forworking. The manager did not pay attention to the working of the employees and their communication which ended up making the situation worse with every passing day. Risk With the unbearablen working condition, there was a risk posed to the client and the employees. The unbearable working condition was likely to lead to the resignation of employees who might feel they can no longer offer quality services. It was also likely tolead to worse conflicts with each other. Then there was a risk of losing clients who felt they were not being served as they deserved. The clients always seekto be served in a friendly manner. Lack of proper communication between the employees was likely to affect the way they communicated with the clients. Dissatisfied clients were likely to seek services elsewhere. This would lead tothe failure of the institution. When themanager fails to note what is taking place in the office, the other employeesare likely to overlook his directive and authority as well. Management Themanager needs to reassert his authority as the one who is in charge of the offices. He needs to make changes as necessary. He must ensure that proper communication channels are maintained within the organization. He also needs toencourage the employees to work as a team to achieve their set goals. He needsto educate the employees on how to deal with challenges that they face. He isto encourage the employees to analyze themselves and identify their weaknesses so that they can handle them effectively and be able to deal with others as well (Kinicki Fugate 2015). Problem causational analysis is important for every organization with conflicts is important to determine what actions should be taken to resolve them. The problems should be identified and dealt with as early as possible to prevent escalation of the problems or conflicts. Works cited Kinicki, Angelo, and Mel Fugate. Organizational behavior: a practical, problem-solving approach. (2015).

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